March 19, 2007

Jack White

Skeet, skeet, skeet!

The most important member of indie-rock duo The White Stripes, the only person anyone remembers from The Raconteurs, and the savior of blues guitar, Jack White is talented enough to melt any girl's heart. He also gets props for his amazing music video collaborations with Michel Gondry, giving the only watchable performance in Cold Mountain, and lying in every interview he's ever given. Okay, so he got in a bar fight with that guy from The Von Bondies, but he was defending Meg's honor, and even his mug shot is sexy. Need further convincing? Watch his 2003 Grammy's performance of Seven Nation Army and Death Letter. If that doesn't do it for you, you have no soul and are probably already dead from the waist down.


Olivia said...

BETTY! YOU ARE OBSESSED! its official.

lilylips said...

I am madly in love with him and his music