March 20, 2007

Emile Hirsch

Skeet skeet skeet.

So maybe he's like 15 in this picture, but Emile Hirsch (now a totally legal, totally fair game adult) is really hot. From a young age he's chosen varied and sometimes risky roles in film (we'll let "Girl Next Door" slide) and always given stellar performances. From "The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys" to "Lords of Dogtown," and the new "Alpha Dog", Hirsch has displayed his versatility and talent while remaining hot as any character. And he's got green eyes. AND he can skate, well enough to look good in a movie anyway, and that's major points in my book. The end.


Betty said...

The picture doesn't work!

Olivia said...

YEAH, ALISON. get with the program!

Alison said...

curse this new-fangled technology! alright, i fixed it, with an even HOTTER picture. score!

Megan said...

oh man, you're so right!