March 27, 2007

Cillian Murphy

Aww, skeet, skeet, skeet.Ever since we saw him naked in the opening scene of 28 Days Later, we haven't been able to take our eyes off Cillian Murphy. He's fought against rage-infected zombies, the British occupants of Northern Ireland, and Batman. He's pretty much a badass, is what I am saying, although he's not above playing charmingly insecure characters, like in Intermission. Take into consideration his bright blue eyes and devastating cheekbones, and there's no resisting him.


Alison said...

that ferris wheel in the background is giving me horrible flashbacks... and kudos on changing the layout

Olivia said...

plus he's also hot as a girl.... (breakfast on pluto, you toy with my sexuality so)

Anonymous said...

its called the london eye dumbshit.

xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxxXxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlove yaaa you wheel.